Thanks so much for all the support, it really gave me a boost of confidence an keeps me on my needle. No, I'm not finished yet, but I'm getting closer and closer. Promise myself that I'm going to finish it within 2 days, hope that I can make it.
After tempting, I'm going to continue working on my mini cardigan with the micro yarn. I don't know yet what to call it, so for now it will just be the mini cardigan.
I bought 6 skein of Rowan KSH 3 days ago and the item should be shipped today, which means I'm going to get in around 2 weeks. Wish that I can finish my mini cardigan by then and cast on another project, I don't know yet what to make out of it. Actually, I was planning to make a long sleeved sweater using big needles when I bought it. But after much blogging lately, I found a lot of great patterns using that yarn. There are Birch, Kiri, Tie one on, Kidsilk, etc. I've been interested in trying lace lately, so maybe I'll change my mind. I wonder if 6 skeins are enough to make a sweater and a shawl...hmm....
Well, I still remember my sock yarn. I've been looking around for basic sock pattern since yesterday. Nothing too complicated yet, but I really want to make one with ribbed cuff. Which reminds me, I only have 1 pair of 3mm dpns(4). I'll need to buy some more of them, but I never saw any dpns set of 5 in the lys. I'm still not too good with using dpn, so maybe I'll try the trick using 2 circular needle ;) interesting...
After all of these...maybe it's time to try some serious felting. All the patterns out there are so great!! I can't stop finding something that I want to knit. Duh..What a girl can do??