I knitted these Very Orange Vinnland socks for Malabrigo March KAL with the Socktopods. The yarn colourway is "Terracotta", but really it's just orange.
This bag had been on the needle for a few months. Or at least the handle did. I finished the bag in a couple of days but the handle took really long because I got bored knitting it. And since I was using much smaller needles for the handle so that it won't sag that much, it hurt my hands to knit it. But finally a couple of days ago I decided to just finish it up and wore it to the local shop to buy grocery.

I was worried it won't be able to hold the weight but it held up pretty well I thought.
We had a bingo night for Red Nose Day at Socktopus and I won TWICE! I won a skein of Socks That Rock, 2 skeins of Lorna's Laces Sheperd Socks, a skein of gorgeous handspun by Marianne and to top it all, a voucher of a dozen cupcakes by Arianna from Bittersweet Bakers. Let me tell you her cupcakes are THE CUPCAKES, they've gotta be the best I've had. I was more excited on winning that compared to the STR, that's how much I love her cupcakes. But the handspun was gorgeous too and I couldn't wait to knit with it, so I made these.

I was reminded on how much I LOVE knitting with handspun yarn. Perhaps I should slow down on the spinning and start knitting up my handspun yarns. They are just really simple 3x1 rib with holes for my thumbs, then I increased to 3x2 rib as they go up my arms. I wore them to Brighton on Friday, and they kept my hands nice and warm.
Then yesterday, I went to Socktopus again wearing this.

My Cardigan for Arwen! Finally done! I'm really happy with it and I love wearing it. The only thing I followed from the pattern was the cable pattern. I did it all in the round, seamless, with raglan decrease and waist shaping. Too bad the kitty shawl pin that I wore to fasten it yesterday was lost.
But I haven't told you what I was there for yesterday, I had a class with Cookie A.!

It was absolutely fabulous and I dare say you guys should look forward to my future sock design!