So...yes, I do have internet connection in my room today, so I better post at least once a week(count it as my new year resolution!). I've been really busy for the past few days, doing homeworks and assignments.
One of the biggest one is making this...

A chair!!
Can you believe I'm actually making a chair? Well, it's not a real one, only quarter the size, but it's the right size for little kids. And it's recyled! And it's strong enough for you to sit on!
It's one of the assignment we had to do, and I had a lot of fun making it, despite all the knitting time lost. I was a bit lost at the starting of the course because we had to draw and paint. And I can honestly say that I'm not a very artsy person. But this? This I can do. Why? Cos I'm crafty! You hear me? I AM crafty.
Hehe...sorry about that, I was just struggling a bit on the art side, so it feels good when there's something I'm good at.
Now that you know what I've been doing...surely I can be excused for not having knitterly things to show, right? No? Well...if you insist...

Hayden Hat
Pattern : from
Yarn : 3 balls of Filatura di Crosa Zara
Needles : 5mm 16" circular
Modification : Cast on more stitches(yes, I do have big head)
I LOVE this hat.

The pattern works really well with the colours, don't you think? I've been getting lots of compliment when I tell people I knit it myself. And I guess you could consider it the first FO of 2006, though not quite. I did knit a sock on my flight here, but it's really just a plain sock. And I think I finished the Bulky Cabled Cardigan before new year(I know, I'll show it soon).
I had quite some leftover yarns from this hat, so I'm knitting another hat from it. It should've been finished days before, but like I said, I've been busy.
Anyway, I've been wanting to show you this

A pig tape measure! I saw it when I was in London, and I just HAD to have it.
I forgot to mention in my last post that...I am not staying in London! I'm staying in a seaside town called Brighton&Hove where I CAN'T find ANY LYS! Can you believe it? Not a single one. But I'd love to visit London when I have the time, maybe even over weekend. I just need to find someone who would let me sleep on their couch for a night. ;D
It's Chinese New Year tomorrow, but I won't have any kind of celebration here. There was a party at school just now, but I didn't go. So...last night I decided to spoil myself and bought some yarn online(from Jannette again). I paid by postal order today, and can you believe how much more I needed to pay? 5 pounds! It's crazy, I could've bought another ball of yarn with it. But it seems like I don't have any other option for the time being, until I get to go to London, of course.
My dad told my bro to send me a new year card and a red packet, and my mom told me that the postage cost more than 10 pounds! I was quite shocked, but then I understand why. My dad actually put money in the red packet. So that's the only safe way, I guess. He didn't really have to send me money, he just wants me to be able to feel the new year spirit in some way, and I appreciate it.
Well...since he made the effort, I think it's only fair that I play along and spend all the money, don't you think? ;D
Guess how I'll be spending my Chinese New Year? Going to the library with no new clothes to wear....hoping the Chinese restaurants won't be closed....and do lots of homework.
Pathetic. I'm feeling down already.
Oh well...have a Happy Chinese New Year everyone.
Gong Xi Fa Cai!
Kung Hei Fat Choi!
Kiong Hi Fat Choi!
Hey girl, Happy Chinese New Year. Don't feel too bad, it's going to be really quiet over here too. I'm not doing much this year, will probbaly just take a stroll at chinatown and cook some chinese dishes for dinner. Take care!
Happy Chinese New Year, Yuvee. Eat some yummy chocolates, that always makes me feel better anytime :) That is an awesome chair. I'm sure my little boy would love to make soemthing like that!
Don't get down! Think of all the yarn.....
That really sux about the LYS--I found that in the UK too; LYS when you could find them were pretty basic. And there were entire lines of Rowan in department stores.
Happy Chinese New Year!
And the hat it GORGEOUS, great choice of colours :)
The chair is the coolest ever! Is the whole thing made out of paper? I'm sure if I read the rest of your blog I could figure out what kind of cool college program you're taking it - sounds wonderful.
Happy Chinese New Year! And welcome to the UK - hope you are settling in OK:)
Love the chair - you should be proud of yourself - I love things that are very original like that.
Gong Xi Fa Cai to you. It's hard to be away from home during the festivals but at least you have the internet to keep in touch. In my college days, there was only snail mail.
Anyway enjoy this wonderful time of your life. I look back at my college days as the best years of creativity and self development.
Oh the chair is adorable! Would be fun to make one for yourself with knitting theme, don't you think so?
You look very cute with your new hat! Now you can enjoy all the winter knitting projects!
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