This is for Katey (can't find your email address!), who asked about how I frog the pentagons. All I did was undo the seams for pentagon #1 and #7, frog them, and used crochet hook to do crochet cast-off on the live stitches of the other connecting pentagons. I hope I'm making sense here!
On other news, I took a spinning lesson yesterday!!! The class was great fun and I didn't get bored the whole 7 hours of it! I also met some other knitters which was great since we get to talk about knitting, my favourite subject ever! And look what I came home with

It was extremely satisfying to see the yarn coming out of my fingers. I started spinning a little with my new drop spindle last night, but it was sooooo slow!!! It'll take me days to get a 50gr skein of yarn! Spinning wheel is out of question though since it's very pricey and there's no way I can fit it in my tiny room, except if I stay in my bed all the time. That sounds strangely tempting somehow ;)
On knitting front, I've been busy knitting my Puffy sleeved cardi

It's progressing slowly but I'm sure it's growing, though I can't for the life of me see the growth! I've been working on it quite exclusively until last night, when I was lured by the fun of spinning. It went like this, one row of knitting, one length of spinning, all the while watching CSI. Love it.
And last night, waaaay past midnight, when I really should be in bed, I dig in my stash for that skein of very pink Regia Silk I have and together with my skein of burgundy Regia Silk Shine, and cast on for Eunny's Entrelac Socks from IK. I'm still fighting with the tiny dpns for the toes so far.
We'll see if it goes well.
so you're spinning now? That's a slippery slope ;-)
Are you in London, now?
all that colourful roving is difficult to resist :)
oooh spining!! looks like someone found a new hobbie :)
I just love the colors of the rainbow roving!
It must be so fun to spin yarn! You just remind me that I have some orange yarn in my stash! ;)
Can't wait to see your entrelac socks!
Your yarn looks great- yay! spinning is very fun.
They do have small, portable wheels. (just saying) hah
Your sweater is looking great so far!
Oh you will have no room soon buying all those luscious fibres to spin now too. I cant wait to see your Eunny socks too, I think they looked great in the mag, and very hard to knit. I hope yours turn out great. I think the pentagon jacket looks fantastic too.
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