Textured TopPattern Source: Fitted Knits by Stefanie Japel
Yarn: Rowan Summer Tweed "Gold", less than 5 hanks
Needle: 5.00mm Addi Turbo Circular
Modifications: Shorter length, short sleeves, no slits, no purl ridges framing the texture.
Comments: I initially knitted it following the pattern length, but it looks horrible on me when I put it on. Fitted tunic really isn't suitable for my wide hips. So, after letting it ferment in the knitting basket while I'm working on other stuffs, I finally took it up again. I'm glad I pushed myself into taking it up again, otherwise it'd just sit there for months or even years.
Even though I made it shorter, I still want to keep the design element of the slit, so I knitted a seed stitch panel on one side and put some buttons on for the illusion of a slit. I didn't knit the purl ridges at first because I missed that part of the pattern and just kept on knitting. But actually I prefer it this way since I think those purl ridges would accentuate the bust part even more, and I really don't need that. As for the short sleeves, I've never been much fan of long sleeves anyway and it'd be more suitable for spring/summer wear.
Of course, the original pattern from the book is gorgeous, and had I been working with wool I might've kept the long sleeves.
The yarn came from my stash. I bought it off ebay last year since I've heard so many good things about it, and
Kim Hargreaves uses it a lot in her lovely designs. It took me quite some time to get used to the rougher texture since I've been working with soft wool yarns for my other WIPs. But I do love the glorious tweedy texture, it's so pretty. The colour isn't my usual colour too, and I doubt I would've chosen it if it wasn't on sale. But I think it's a gorgeous colour. Perfect for spring and oh so
Project Spectrum appropriate!
I finished something else too...
Midwest MoonlightPattern Source: Scarf Style by Interweave Press
Yarn: Jaeger Wool Silk 6x20g
Needle: 4.00mm Addi
Comments: I never blogged about starting this because it was one of those project that I only pick up while I have nothing else to knit. It's been on my needle for months, I can't even remember when I cast on for it. The pattern was really easy to follow and with pretty result.
The yarn also came from my stash, it's a vintage yarn won from ebay with 60% wool and 40% silk. It's lovely to knit with and has excellent yardage considering it's only 20g per skein. The whole scarf weigh only 120g!
There are two other projects that I finished, but I don't have pictures yet so they'll have to wait.
So, on Sunday(or was it Saturday, can't remember), I ran out of project. The only thing left on my needle was the entrelac socks, but I wasn't feeling like working with it. I think I spent about an hour rummaging around my stash and my knitting magazines and books looking for a project to knit. For those of you who have a longer-than-live list of things-to-knit this might sound crazy. But I do have a long list of things to knit, and a long list of yarn to knit with. It's just that most of the time they don't really match. I finally remembered that I've been wanting to knit Shetland Triangle from Wrap Style in some pure white Regia Silk I've got in my stash as a wedding gift for a friend. So I cast on, knit like a mad woman while watching a ridiculous amount of anime and I've got 9 repeats done. I'll be sure to share a progress picture next time ;)
And thank you soooo much for all you nice comments on my cadigan!! Each and every one of them are very much appreciated, I love knowing there are people out there who would understand the happiness we get from getting a nice fit from a garment or finding the perfect button for a project.
Anyway, can you believe I missed
my own blogiversary?!! I can't believe I've been blogging for more than 2 years now! Can you?